Monday, 7 July 2014

More website stuff

I rigged up my website to now have a live Wide compilation service backed by Coliru. I also wrote a few reference pages. I still suck at website design but it's a lot better than before. Now I need to write oh so many more reference pages. It helps to have more to actually reference.

I'm more thinking about what direction I want to take the tutorial in, though. Right now since Wide has only a tiny Standard library of it's own and most library functions are imported from C++, I feel like it would be adequate to target it at people who already know C++. If you're not comfortable at least discussing C++ then you won't get far in Wide right now anyway. So I figure that the first order of the day is a quick tour of the C++ interoperation facilities.

Writing the reference makes me think more about what the semantics are, and having them written down is useful for me.

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