I've been fixing a whole bunch of bugs. It's amazing how many you can find when you need to write examples in the language. For example, if you have a C++ type which is not a struct/class, then it crashes the compiler. That one's still in but I managed to convert member function/data pointers to Wide types, so stuff like boost::optional works now (boost::none is a member function pointer). I fixed a bug where issuing an error would crash the compiler. I fixed a bug with lookup of exported functions. I fixed a bug where some integral conversions would crash the compiler. I fixed a bug where attempting to access a nonexistent macro would crash the compiler. I fixed a bug where using member function templates or constructor templates would crash the compiler. (starting to see a theme here...). I fixed a bug where a const (const char*)& would cause spurious OR failures.
I fixed a bug in my test harness that caused spurious test successes (mostly failed on Linux). I reported (and had fixed) a couple bugs in coliru so that when I update Wide, it updates more readily.
But one of the things that concerns me the most is testing times. Now that I have way more tests involving the C++ Standard Library, it's becoming very problematic to test on Windows. Instead of taking like 10-20 seconds to complete a run, it's now like 3-4 minutes. I can reduce this problem by running the tests in parallel, but it's still going to be a bitch as I add more testing. This, aside from anything else, may drive my primary development platform to Linux. I dislike Linux but boy, the tests run a lot faster there because you can link release Clang even with debug symbols. I would test in Release on Windows but LLVM and Clang don't seem to play well with hosting both x64 and x86 objects simultaneously and the x86 release premake is broken...
As you may expect, I've also been writing more content for my website and fixing it up. The navigation is, I feel, a lot nicer now, some of the content is better, and I've created more examples.
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