Thursday, 4 August 2011


I've got a slight referential problem.

In C++, you can write code that takes a const reference, and not care whether or not it's an lvalue or rvalue. But at the moment in DeadMG++, then there's no such functionality, because const references aren't given special leeway anymore and won't bind to rvalues. The thing is that, well, this is pretty much unique to constness and not helpful in the general attribute sense.

Secondly, I've got growing concerns about my design- namely, that I have no idea when it'll be finished. Or, to put it another way, I have no way to tell when it has no massive, gaping holes in it. It would be a bit shit to find out that for some reason I didn't foresee the whole thing just doesn't work.

Thirdly, I'm beginning to consider another problem, which is popularity. I mean, I wouldn't even know where to begin to promote a new language, I've never even finished an open-source project.

On the upside, I grabbed a new version of Bison that's massively easier to work with as it allows complex C++ types to be written in. I also added friend expressions and friend accessibility levels and fixed the semicolons problem where you had to do if (expression;) and if( variable = expression;). I also changed constructors/destructors to be more like D's syntax- using this rather than the type name. How else could you call the destructor of an anonymous type? Especially something where the type may be complex to express.

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