Tuesday, 16 August 2011

C++ metaprogramming

It sucks balls. Seriously.

You can't debug it. If the compiler picks the wrong overload, good luck asking it why. You can't break in the middle of a template instantiation, and the compiler is it's usual unhelpful self. Half the time it doesn't even specify an error, it'll just say "specialization failed", or "It might be ambiguous, but it also might have no available overloads". Great, compiler. Maybe you could be more specific?

SFINAE prevents deduction. This I never knew, but apparently it actually does. How incredibly unhelpful. You might not want to compile for a reference... so I hope you didn't mind that I made your argument explicit nao.

I also discovered a need to place six bajillion typedefs in my iterator code for no apparent reason or benefit, which had me confused no end. And if you make a typo in your template code (I attempted to use a std::disable_if, which doesn't exist) the compiler gives a syntax error. I don't think so, buddy!

Oh, and then there's the declaration/definition pit of failure.

Not being able to decltype member variables is driving me nuts, since I frequently need to refer to them in decltypes for member function returns in generic code.

Want to buy: DeadMG++.

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