Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Let's get to the meat of the problems that I'm currently facing.

1. Bison blows. No, really. I'm tired of not being able to return non-POD data or pass arguments forward. In addition, I generally find it's interface poor- for example not being able to specify arbitrary ICEs as the token values is going to be the maintenance death of me next time I add a new token. In addition, the code is unreadable, and it uses unnecessary memory allocation. I figure that creating an LR parser shouldn't be so hard, and I don't see why it can't be implemented more simply.

2. The lexer could really use being predictive. :(

3. The AST needs to have a bunch of LLVM stuff in it. This is unhappy faces for me, because I want to have separate code for dealing with LLVM. I don't want to start including all the LLVM stuff in the parser header. Been thinking of PIMPL for this purpose, but man, that shit is ugly.

4. I have seriously GOT TO write a specification. I keep forgetting half my damn semantics. I need to re-host my site, and put up a specification that clearly explains everything.

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