So far, I'm thinking of just using regular brackets for function arguments, regardless of which pass they're at. That would turn
into static_cast(float, 0)
. The problem is defining the grammar for functions which make extensive use of computed types and all of the implicit auto that I've been thinking about adding.
// implicit auto
main() {
// implicit auto
DatabaseTableTypes = GetTypesForDatabaseTables("my_db", "admin", "password");
DatabaseTableTypes["CustomerTable"] NewRecord;
So grammatically, a "DeadMG++" program is comprised of definitions. Namespaces, functions, classes, variables, whatever.
program := definitions
definitions := definition [definitions]
definition := type-creation
:= variable-definition
:= namespace-definition
:= function-definition
using-definition := 'using' identifier '=' type-definition
type-creation := type-literal
:= using-definition
pointer-modifier := '*' ['const']
array-modifier := '[' expression ']' [array-modifier] [pointer-modifier]
reference-modifier := '&'
:= '&&'
type-modifiers := pointer-modifier
:= array-modifier
:= reference-modifier
type-base := ['const'] ['volatile'] identifier
:= expression
:= type-literal
:= 'auto'
type-definition := type-base [type-modifiers]
variable-definition := ['static'] [type-definition] identifier
:= ['static'] [type-definition] identifier function-call
:= ['static'] [type-definition] identifier '=' expression
namespace-definition := 'namespace' identifier '{' [definitions] '}'
function-definition := [type-definition] identifier function-arguments-list compound-statement
function-arguments-list := '(' function-arguments ')' [function-arguments-list]
function-arguments := [type-definition] identifier
variable-modifiers := ['static'] ['auto'] [type-definition]
type-definition-list := type-definition [',' type-definition-list]
function-call := '(' [expression-list] ')' [function-call]
function-call-expression := expression function-call
identifier := [_\w][_\w\d]*
cast-expression := 'static_cast' function-call
:= 'dynamic_cast' function-call
:= 'reinterpret_cast' function-call
:= 'const_cast' function-call
arithmetic-expression := expression '*' expression
:= expression '+' expression
:= expression '/' expression
:= expression '-' expression
:= '+' expression
:= '-' expression
boolean-expression := expression '>' expression
:= expression '<' expression
:= expression '==' expression
:= expression '!=' expression
:= expression '<=' expression
:= expression '>=' expression
member-expression := expression '.' identifier
:= expression '->' identifier
return-statement := 'return' expression
type-literal := 'type' [':' type-definition-list] '{' [definitions] '}'
integral-literal := \d+
:= '0x' [\dA-F]+
floating-point-literal := \d+ '.' \d+
literal-expression := type-literal
:= integral-literal
:= floating-point-literal
throw-statement := 'throw' expression
try-statement := 'try' compound-statement catch-statement
catch-statement := 'catch' '(' type-definition identifier ')' compound-statement [catch-statement]
:= 'catch' '(' '...' ')' compound-statement
access-expression := expression '[' expression ']'
assignment-expression := expression '=' expression
this-expression := 'this'
expression-list := [expression [',' expression-list]]
expression := member-expression
:= boolean-expression
:= arithmetic-expression
:= cast-expression
:= function-call-expression
:= access-expression
:= assignment-expression
:= type-definition
:= identifier
:= this-expression
:= literal-expression
if-statement := 'if' '(' expression ')' statement [else-statement]
else-statement := 'else' statement
label-statement := identifier ':'
goto-statement := 'goto' identifier
for-statement := 'for' '(' statement ';' expression ';' expression ')' compound-statement
while-statement := 'while' '(' expression ')' compound-statement
do-while-statement := 'do' compound-statement 'while' '(' expression ')'
case-statement := 'case' expression ':' statement-list [case-statement]
:= 'default' ':' statement-list
switch-statement := 'switch' '(' expression ')' '{' case-statement '}'
break-statement := 'break'
continue-statement := 'continue'
statement := expression
:= return-statement
:= if-statement
:= throw-statement
:= catch-statement
:= try-statement
:= compound-statement
:= label-statement
:= goto-statement
:= for-statement
:= while-statement
:= do-while-statement
:= switch-statement
:= break-statement
:= continue-statement
statement-list := statement [statement-list]
compound-statement := '{' [statement-list] '}'
Still missing
exception specifiers
default arguments
Likely, the grammar is flawed. I'm pretty sure that at the moment, you can grammatically do stupid things in many places, it's not tightly restricted enough. I need to work it again from the top down, some of the bottom stuff should be fine.
As correctly pointed out, string literals are missing, and catch statements aren't correctly limited to being after try statements.
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