Monday, 28 November 2011


So, I've been attempting to patch up my Unicode support. The lexer's support for it was, well, kinda laughable. It really didn't deal with collating characters and other things properly. As such, I have been forced to retreat to ICU. Oh holy shit, have these guys ever even seen a reasonable quality C++ library? ewwwwwwww. I hate you, now and forever, Unicode.

On the plus side, my custom parser will be done really quite soon. I've been working on the expression handling and I finally managed to express them in such a way that Visual Studio would compile them. This is a significant advantage.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My Parser

My parser is so awesome, Visual C++ can't compile it. It gives back a nice Internal Compiler Error :(

Oh wait, that's true of nearly *every* awesome program.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


I do still exist! I am currently working on the first implementation. After the funcakes I had with Bison, you can fully expect that I've been working on the custom parser. My custom lexer is nice and high quality thanks to the fact that I ended up re-writing it about six billion times. At least when my parser throws an exception, I will have nice high quality error messages. That's my end goal, anyway.

Now, for a custom parser, I am obviously going to do the horrendously efficient thing and work without an explicit stack. I am going to instead simply increment/decrement the current element pointer through an existing vector. This should permit a ridiculously small performance improvement for a 1billion times increase in development time.

Seriously though, I just find it more natural.